We believe all students succeed in an environment where they feel known, cared about, and where they are nourished mentally, physically, and emotionally. The CSA Experience is designed to support these aims by providing rich programming that complements students' academic objectives.
We believe that each child’s cultural complexity and lived experiences add value to who they are as a student and as an individual. We understand intelligence is multidimensional and experiential, and that students are more likely to learn when they find something interesting. By engaging our students through independent and self-driven inquiry, we strengthen their sense of agency and help them develop confidence in their own voices as agents of change in their communities and the wider world.
We believe that students should be seen and heard; we understand that good teaching requires engagement, trust, and the ability to appreciate the value of “academic noise”, discontent, and disagreement.Students have different interests and ways of knowing, therefore it is not ideal to teach all students the same way. We know that children aren’t just future adults and employees: we understand their needs and perspectives are worth attending to in their own right. We are adamant & steadfast in our belief that just because doing something will raise a standardized test score, does not mean it is the right thing to do.