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Our Amazing Mile Run!

Our 1st-8th graders participated in a cardiovascular fitness run as part of the Presidential Youth Fitness program last week. This event is an integral component of our commitment to promoting physical fitness and overall wellness among our students.

The distance across grades was developmentally appropriate:

  • 1st Graders ran ¼ Mile
  • 2nd-4th Graders ran  ½ Mile
  • 5th-8th Graders ran 1 Mile

The cardiovascular fitness run is an important assessment that measures students' cardiovascular endurance, which is a key indicator of overall health and fitness. By participating in this event, students had the opportunity to challenge themselves physically and strive for personal improvement in the future. Thanks so much to all the faculty, staff and families that came out to cheer our amazing students on!

The makeup assessment will take place tentatively on May 29th and the grade level placements will be shared on May 31st!